Download free phi brain puzzle of god season 3
Download free phi brain puzzle of god season 3

download free phi brain puzzle of god season 3 download free phi brain puzzle of god season 3

What is his solution Join POG and try to kill Kaito with his puzzles, therefore putting his friends into even more dangerous situations.

  • Hypocrite: So he thinks that Kaito has to be dealt with because his armbad makes him disregard the lives of his friends and he constantly puts them in dangerous situations.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: His jealously of Kaito's abilities is one of the reason for his Face–Heel Turn.
  • Downplayed, because sometimes his friends would remind him of his betrayal.
  • Doting Older Brother: In episode 11 of season 2, much to Miharu's dismay.
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    Later in Season 3, he's one of the potential Phi Brain candidates to be sacrificed to Orpheus.Always Someone Better: Has inadequacy issues do to Kaito being the better puzzler.Unwitting Pawn: Towards Klondike's plan to create the 'Final Ring.'.Post-Victory Collapse: Suffered from this at the beginning of season 1.

    download free phi brain puzzle of god season 3

  • Parental Abandonment: His parents died when he was little and his guardian, Baron Kaido, sent him off to a boarding school in England.
  • He has been obsessed with keeping his word ever since.
  • My Greatest Failure: Nine years ago (as of Season 1-2), he and Rook were separated on the day they stayed out too late after he had been late for his appointment.
  • I Let You Win: Thanks to the vision he saw of the future he choose not to take the two beams and win against Gammon.
  • Heroic Safe Mode: Everytime when the Orpheus Armband is activated.
  • Heroic Resolve: So strong that he has rejected the Orpheus ring's power over him.
  • Happily Adopted: His parents were POG officers assigned to train him as a Phi Brain candidate, but they grew to genuinely love him as their own son.
  • Eyelid Pull Taunt: His signature pose is a Shout-Out to the tongue photo of his title's namesake.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Leeks and Nonoha's sweets.
  • " Puzzle Time no hajimari da!" * Eyelid Pull Taunt* (Let the Puzzle Time begin).

  • Download free phi brain puzzle of god season 3